7 Basic car maintenance Tips
Sun, 05 Sep 2021

7 Basic car maintenance Tips

According to many financial institutions, buying a car today is the first large investment of a young professional. The fact that it usually involves bank loans, cheques and a down payment increases your first car's uniqueness.

Owning our first car and driving it is an exciting experience. However, remember that owning an automobile implies some responsibility, like everything else. This includes the liability to keep it in the same condition as when we bought it. It helps to tackle evident situations and lowers wear and tear maintenance costs. This article discusses seven crucial maintenance directives for car owners for the first time to help them fulfil their new duties.

Change the Oil Engine

Motor oil is equal to the blood that runs in the engine to keep everything operating. Changing motor oil at regular intervals is highly important since it impacts the motor's health. Low oil or quality oil may harm the engine of your vehicle, and in the event of engine damage you are unlikely to fight against financing. But in this scenario, instead of investing thousands of dollars to buy a new engine, you can use a used automobile engine. Many vendors deal with the used engine for sale these days and you can easily pick for a car compatible.

The engine oil level may be simply checked with the dipstick or the digital display, if your measurement is digital. You may ask the mechanic to show how the oil level is checked at initial service. Always maintain a suitable oil level and over time assess the quality of the oil.

Regularly clean your car

Many people neglect to clean their vehicles since it isn't required. Some are just cleaning out of the car. You have to clean your unit's interior and exterior to keep it attractive. A aesthetically attractive automobile will allow you to resell it at a greater cost.

Maintain A Clean Engine

The engine is a vital element of the vehicle and engine failures affect the operation of the vehicle. Clean gasoline must always be used to preserve the efficiency of the car engine. The engine must also be routinely cleaned to minimize leakage, dust, grease, or waste from gathering on the surface and damaging the engine. Read tips to keep the automobile engine in good shape to obtain extensive information on how to maintain your engine effectively.

Check the Fluid Brake

Brake fluids attract humidity that can create corrosion and damage your brakes. Replace the fluid brake regularly. Not to be concerned; brake fluid is not prohibitively costly. Also, ensure that the brake system is drained at least once a year.

Check the Plugs of Spark

If you find your engine is not working properly, the spark plugs most likely must be replaced. They may worsen and cause engine difficulties if you do not inspect them regularly. Consult your manual to discover your spark plugs' life expectancy. Ideally, they should continue operating for about 30,000 miles.

Twice a year, put wax on your car

This is why you should polish a car with "bubbles" in its paint every six months. Wax will protect your car's paint from pollutants. It will also keep your unit shining.

Check tire pressure and alignment of the wheel

The pressure in the tires must be regularly inspected to ensure that they contain the amount of air required. This will cause the tires to wear out faster. Roller alignment enhances driving, improves safety, increases fuel efficiency, prolongs tire life, and reduces costly repairs.


While vehicles might be expensive, simple procedures such as oil changing or fuse replacement can just take a few minutes and save you a lot of money. The first-time automobile owners who have spent most of their savings on buying the vehicle may apply the above-mentioned easy maintenance instructions to ensure that the vehicle is kept in excellent form. A well-maintained automobile works well and burns little petrol. Would you like to know about the used engine or transmission? You can visit our other blogs.
